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Session Properties

The Session type exposes the following members.

Public propertybHasResponse
Returns TRUE if this session's State > ReadingResponse, and oResponse, oResponse.headers, and responseBodyBytes are all non-null. Note that bHasResponse returns FALSE if the session is currently reading, even if a body was copied using the COMETPeek feature
Public propertybHasWebSocketMessages
Checks whether this is a WebSocket, and if so, whether it has logged any parsed messages.
Public propertyBitFlags
Bitflags of commonly-queried session attributes
Public propertybypassGateway
Set to true in OnBeforeRequest if this request should bypass the gateway
Public propertyclientIP
Returns the Address used by the client to communicate to Fiddler.
Public propertyclientPort
Returns the port used by the client to communicate to Fiddler.
Public propertyfullUrl
Retrieves the complete URI, including protocol/scheme, in the form Or sets the complete URI, adjusting the UriScheme and/or Host.
Public propertyhost
DNS Name of the host server targeted by this request. May include IPv6 literal brackets. NB: a port# may be included.
Public propertyhostname
DNS Name of the host server (no port) targeted by this request. Will include IPv6-literal brackets for IPv6-literal addresses
Public propertyid
Returns the sequential number of this session. Note, by default numbering is restarted at zero when the session list is cleared.
Public propertyisFTP
When true, this session was conducted using the FTP protocol.
Public propertyisHTTPS
When true, this session was conducted using the HTTPS protocol.
Public propertyisTunnel
Returns True if this is a HTTP CONNECT tunnel.
Public propertyItemString
Simple indexer into the Session's oFlags object; returns null if flag is not present.
Public propertyItemString, String
Indexer property into SESSION flags, REQUEST headers, and RESPONSE headers. e.g. oSession["Request", "Host"] returns string value for the Request host header. If null, returns String.Empty
Public propertyLocalProcess
Get the Process Info of the application which made this request, or String.Empty if it is not known
Public propertyLocalProcessID
Get the process ID of the application which made this request, or 0 if it cannot be determined.
Public propertyPathAndQuery
Returns the path and query part of the URL. (For a CONNECT request, returns the host:port to be connected.)
Public propertyport
Returns the server port to which this request is targeted.
Public propertyRequestBody
Gets or Sets the HTTP Request body bytes. Setter adjusts Content-Length header, and removes Transfer-Encoding and Content-Encoding headers. Setter DOES NOT CLONE the passed array. Setter will throw if the Request object does not exist for some reason. Use utilSetRequestBody(sStr) to ensure proper character encoding if you need to use a string.
Public propertyRequestHeaders
Public propertyRequestMethod
Public propertyResponseBody
Gets or Sets the HTTP Response body bytes. Setter adjusts Content-Length header, and removes Transfer-Encoding and Content-Encoding headers. Setter DOES NOT CLONE the passed array. Setter will throw if the Response object has not yet been created. (See utilCreateResponseAndBypassServer) Use utilSetResponseBody(sStr) to ensure proper character encoding if you need to use a string.
Public propertyresponseCode
Gets or Sets the HTTP Status code of the server's response
Public propertyResponseHeaders
Public propertystate
State of session. Note Side-Effects: If setting to .Aborted, calls FinishUISession. If setting to/from a Tamper state, calls RefreshMyInspectors
Public propertySuggestedFilename
Gets a path-less filename suitable for saving the Response entity. Uses Content-Disposition if available.
Public propertyTag
A common use for the Tag property is to store data that is closely associated with the Session. It is NOT marshalled during drag/drop and is NOT serialized to a SAZ file.
Public propertyTunnelEgressByteCount
If this session is a Tunnel, returns number of bytes sent from the Client to the Server
Public propertyTunnelIngressByteCount
If this session is a Tunnel, returns number of bytes sent from the Server to the Client
Public propertyTunnelIsOpen
If this session is a Tunnel, and the tunnel's IsOpen property is TRUE, returns TRUE. Otherwise returns FALSE.
Public propertyurl
Gets or sets the URL (without protocol) being requested from the server, in the form
See Also