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Welcome to the Fiddler / FiddlerCore object model documentation

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Fiddler Namespace
The Fiddler namespace holds all FiddlerCore-related classes.
Public classBasePipe
Abstract base class for the ClientPipe and ServerPipe classes. A Pipe represents a connection to either the client or the server, optionally encrypted using SSL/TLS.
Public classCacheClearEventArgs
These EventArgs are constructed when FiddlerApplication.OnClearCache is called.
Public classCertMaker
This class is used to find and create certificates for use in HTTPS interception. The default implementation (DefaultCertProvider object) uses the Windows Certificate store, but if a plugin ICertificateProvider is provided, it is used instead.
Public classClientChatter
The ClientChatter object, exposed as the oRequest object on the Session object, represents a single web request.
Public classClientPipe
A ClientPipe wraps a socket connection to a client application.
Public classCodeDescription
CodeDescription attributes are used to enable the FiddlerScript Editor to describe available methods, properties, fields, and events.
Public classCONFIG
The CONFIG object is Fiddler's legacy settings object, introduced before the advent of the Preferences system.
Public classConnectionEventArgs
Public classContinueTransactionEventArgs
Public classFiddlerApplication
This class acts as the central point for script/extensions to interact with Fiddler components.
Public classFiddlerTranscoders
Fiddler Transcoders allow import and export of Sessions from Fiddler
Public classfrmPrompt
The frmPrompt class is used to get information from the client. It's primarily used by calling one of the GetUserString(String, String, String) static functions.
Public classHostList
The HostList allows fast determination of whether a given host is in the list. It supports leading wildcards (e.g. *, and the special tokens <local> <nonlocal> and <loopback>. Note: List is *not* threadsafe; instead of updating it, construct a new one.
Public classHTTPHeaderItem
Represents a single HTTP header
Public classHTTPHeaders
Base class for RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders
Public classHTTPRequestHeaders
HTTP Request headers object
Public classHTTPResponseHeaders
HTTP Response headers object
Public classLogEventArgs
EventArgs class for the LogEvent handler
Public classLogger
The Logger object is a simple event log message dispatcher
Public classNotificationEventArgs
EventArgs class for the OnNotification handler
Public classParser
The Parser class exposes static methods used to parse strings or byte arrays into HTTP messages.
Public classPrefChangeEventArgs
EventArgs for preference-change events. See
Public classPreferenceBag
The PreferenceBag is used to maintain a threadsafe Key/Value list of preferences, persisted in the registry, and with appropriate eventing when a value changes.
Public classProfferFormatAttribute
Attribute allowing developer to specify that a class supports the specified Import/Export Format
Public classProgressCallbackEventArgs
EventArgs class for the ISessionImporter and ISessionExporter interface callbacks
Public classProxy
The core proxy object which accepts connections from clients and creates session objects from those connections
Public classRawReadEventArgs
When the FiddlerApplication.OnReadResponseBuffer event fires, the raw bytes are available via this object.
Public classRequiredVersionAttribute
Attribute used to specify the minimum version of Fiddler compatible with this extension assembly.
Public classScheduledTasks
The ScheduledTasks class allows addition of jobs by name. It ensures that ONE instance of the named job will occur at *some* point in the future, between 0 and a specified max delay. If you queue multiple instances of the same-named Task, it's only done once.
Public classServerChatter
The ServerChatter object is responsible for transmitting the Request to the destination server and retrieving its Response.
Public classServerPipe
A ServerPipe wraps a socket connection to a server.
Public classSession
The Session object manages the complete HTTP session including the UI listitem, the ServerChatter, and the ClientChatter.
Public classSessionData
This object holds Session information as a set of four easily-marshalled byte arrays. It is serializable, which enables cross-process transfer of this data (as in a drag/drop operation). (Internally, data is serialized as if it were being stored in a SAZ file)
Public classSessionTimers
A SessionTimers object holds timing information about a single Session.
Public classSessionTimersNetTimestamps
Public classStateChangeEventArgs
Event arguments constructed for the OnStateChanged event raised when a Session's state property changed
Public classStringExtensions
Common functions we'll want to use on Strings. Fiddler makes extensive use of strings which should be interpreted in a case-insensitive manner. WARNING: Methods assume that the calling object is not null, which is lame for reliability but arguably good for performance.
Public classTranscoderTuple
This tuple maps a display descriptive string to a Import/Export type. (The parent dictionary contains the shortname string)
Public classURLMonInterop
URLMon Interop Class
Public classUtilities
Holds a variety of useful functions used in Fiddler and its addons.
Public classValidateServerCertificateEventArgs
These EventArgs are passed to the FiddlerApplication.OnValidateServerCertificate event handler when a server-provided HTTPS certificate is evaluated
Public classWebSocket
The WebSocket class represents a "tunnel" through which WebSocket messages flow. The class' messages may be deserialized from a SAZ file.
Public classWebSocketMessage
A WebSocketMessage stores a single frame of a single WebSocket message
Public classWebSocketMessageEventArgs
Public classWebSocketTimers
Public classWinINETCache
Wrapper for WinINET cache APIs.
Public classWinINETProxyInfo
Wrapper for WinINET proxy configuration APIs
Public interfaceICertificateProvider
Implement ICertificateProvider2 instead
Public interfaceICertificateProvider2
To override default certificate handling, your class should implement this interface in an assembly referenced by the fiddler.certmaker.assembly preference; by default, "certmaker.dll" in the application folder is loaded
Public interfaceICertificateProvider3
Public interfaceICertificateProviderInfo
Public interfaceIFiddlerPreferences
The IFiddlerPreferences Interface is exposed by the FiddlerApplication.Prefs object, and enables callers to Add, Update, and Remove preferences, as well as observe changes to the preferences.
Public interfaceISAZProvider
Public interfaceISAZReader
Public interfaceISAZReader2
Public interfaceISAZWriter
Public interfaceISessionExporter
ISessionExport allows saving of Session data
Public interfaceISessionImporter
ISessionImport allows loading of Session data
Public interfaceITunnel
Interface for the WebSocket and CONNECT Tunnel classes
Public delegateCalculateReportHandler
An event handling delegate which is called during report calculation with the set of sessions being evaluated.
Public delegateGetPasswordDelegate
Public delegateSAZWriterDelegate
Public delegateSessionStateHandler
An event handling delegate which is called as a part of the HTTP pipeline at various stages.
Public delegateSimpleEventHandler
A simple delegate for functions which accept no parameters. (MethodInvoker is the identical Framework version of this delegate)
Public enumerationCertificateValidity
Enumeration of possible responses specified by the ValidateServerCertificateEventArgs as modified by FiddlerApplication's OnValidateServerCertificate event
Public enumerationContinueTransactionReason
Public enumerationEncodingType
Public enumerationFiddlerCoreStartupFlags
Flags that can be passed into the Startup method
Public enumerationfrmPromptPromptIcon
Public enumerationGatewayType
Type of Upstream Gateway
Public enumerationHotkeyModifiers
Public enumerationHTTPHeaderParseWarnings
Flags that indicate what problems, if any, were encountered in parsing HTTP headers
Public enumerationPipeReusePolicy
The policy which describes how this pipe may be reused by a later request. Ordered by least restrictive to most.
Public enumerationProcessFilterCategories
A simple Process Type enumeration used by various filtering features
Public enumerationRetryMode
When may requests be resent on a new connection?
Public enumerationSessionFlags
This enumeration provides the values for the Session object's BitFlags field
Public enumerationSessionStates
State of the current session
Public enumerationWebSocketCloseReasons
Public enumerationWebSocketFrameTypes
Public enumerationWSMFlags
This enumeration provides the values for the WebSocketMessage object's BitFlags field