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ServerChatter Properties

The ServerChatter type exposes the following members.

Public propertybServerSocketReused
Was this request serviced from a reused server connection?
Public propertybWasForwarded
Was this request forwarded to a gateway?
Public propertyheaders
The HTTP headers of the server's response
Public propertyItem
Simple indexer into the Response Headers object
Public propertyiTTFB
DEPRECATED: You should use the Timers object on the Session object instead. The number of milliseconds between the start of sending the request to the server to the first byte of the server's response
Public propertyiTTLB
DEPRECATED: You should use the Timers object on the Session object instead. The number of milliseconds between the start of sending the request to the server to the last byte of the server's response.
Public propertyMIMEType
Get the MIME type (sans Character set or other attributes) from the HTTP Content-Type response header, or String.Empty if missing.
See Also