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FiddlerApplication Methods

The FiddlerApplication type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateProxyEndpoint(Int32, Boolean, X509Certificate2)
Start a new proxy endpoint instance, listening on the specified port
Public methodStatic memberCreateProxyEndpoint(Int32, Boolean, String)
Start a new proxy endpoint instance, listening on the specified port
Public methodStatic memberDoExport
Export Sessions in the specified format
Public methodStatic memberDoImport
Calls a Fiddler Session Importer and returns the list of loaded Sessions.
Public methodStatic memberDoNotifyUser(Exception, String)
Public methodStatic memberDoNotifyUser(String, String)
Public methodStatic memberDoNotifyUser(String, String, MessageBoxIcon)
Public methodStatic memberDoNotifyUser(IWin32Window, String, String, MessageBoxIcon)
Log a notification to the OnNotification handler and, if not in quiet mode, show a MessageBox
Public methodStatic memberGetDetailedInfo
Returns Help/About information.
Public methodStatic memberGetVersionString
Gets Fiddler* version info
Public methodStatic memberIsStarted
Checks if FiddlerCore is running.
Public methodStatic memberIsSystemProxy
Checks if FiddlerCore is running and registered as the System Proxy.
Public methodStatic memberLogLeakedFile
Record that a temporary file was created and handed to an external tool. We'll do our best to delete this file on exit.
Public methodStatic memberReportException(Exception, String)
Report an exception to the user.
Public methodStatic memberReportException(Exception, String, String)
Report an exception to the user.
Public methodStatic memberResetSessionCounter
Reset the SessionID counter to 0. This method can lead to confusing UI, so call sparingly.
Public methodStatic memberSetAppDisplayName
Set the DisplayName for the application
Public methodStatic memberShutdown
Shuts down the FiddlerCore proxy and disposes it. Note: If there's any traffic in progress while you're calling this method, your background threads are likely to blow up with ObjectDisposedExceptions or NullReferenceExceptions. In many cases, you're better off simply calling oProxy.Detach() and letting the garbage collector clean up when your program exits.
Public methodStatic memberStartup(Int32, FiddlerCoreStartupFlags)
Recommended way to Start FiddlerCore listening on the specified port
Public methodStatic memberStartup(Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Start the FiddlerCore engine; this overload is NOT RECOMMENDED
Public methodStatic memberStartup(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Start the FiddlerCore engine; this overload is NOT RECOMMENDED
Public methodStatic memberSupports
Does this Fiddler instance support the specified feature?
See Also