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SessionFlags Enumeration
This enumeration provides the values for the Session object's BitFlags field

Namespace: Fiddler
Assembly: FiddlerCore4 (in FiddlerCore4.dll) Version:
public enum SessionFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags are set
IsHTTPS1 The request originally arrived with a URL specifying the HTTPS protocol.
IsFTP2 The request originally arrived with a URL specifying the FTP protocol.
Ignored4 Ignore this traffic; do not buffer, store, or call event handlers
ClientPipeReused8 The client pipe was reused
ServerPipeReused16 The server pipe was reused
RequestStreamed32 The request was transmitted to the server when its headers were complete
ResponseStreamed64 The response was streamed
RequestGeneratedByFiddler128 The request was generated by Fiddler itself (e.g. the Composer tab)
ResponseGeneratedByFiddler256 The response was generated by Fiddler itself (e.g. AutoResponder or utilCreateResponseAndBypassServer)
LoadedFromSAZ512 This session was loaded from a .SAZ File
ImportedFromOtherTool1024 This session was loaded from some other tool
SentToGateway2048 This request was sent to an upstream (CERN) gateway proxy
IsBlindTunnel4096 This is a "blind" CONNECT tunnel for HTTPS traffic
IsDecryptingTunnel8192 This is a CONNECT tunnel which decrypts HTTPS traffic as it flows through
ServedFromCache16384 This response was served from a client cache, bypassing Fiddler. Fiddler only "sees" this session because other software reported it to Fiddler
ProtocolViolationInRequest32768 There was a HTTP Protocol violation in the client's request
ProtocolViolationInResponse65536 There was a HTTP Protocol violation in the server's response
ResponseBodyDropped131072 Response body was dropped, e.g due to or log-drop-response-body flag
IsWebSocketTunnel262144 This is a CONNECT tunnel for WebSocket traffic
SentToSOCKSGateway524288 This request was sent using the SOCKS protocol
RequestBodyDropped1048576 Request body was dropped, e.g due to log-drop-request-body flag
IsRPCTunnel2097152 The request was to create a RPC tunnel (e.g. on an RPC_OUT_DATA request)
See Also