This enumeration provides the values for the Session object's BitFlags field
Namespace: FiddlerAssembly: FiddlerCore4 (in FiddlerCore4.dll) Version:
public enum SessionFlags
Public Enumeration SessionFlags
public enum class SessionFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
No flags are set
| IsHTTPS | 1 |
The request originally arrived with a URL specifying the HTTPS protocol.
| IsFTP | 2 |
The request originally arrived with a URL specifying the FTP protocol.
| Ignored | 4 |
Ignore this traffic; do not buffer, store, or call event handlers
| ClientPipeReused | 8 |
The client pipe was reused
| ServerPipeReused | 16 |
The server pipe was reused
| RequestStreamed | 32 |
The request was transmitted to the server when its headers were complete
| ResponseStreamed | 64 |
The response was streamed
| RequestGeneratedByFiddler | 128 |
The request was generated by Fiddler itself (e.g. the Composer tab)
| ResponseGeneratedByFiddler | 256 |
The response was generated by Fiddler itself (e.g. AutoResponder or utilCreateResponseAndBypassServer)
| LoadedFromSAZ | 512 |
This session was loaded from a .SAZ File
| ImportedFromOtherTool | 1024 |
This session was loaded from some other tool
| SentToGateway | 2048 |
This request was sent to an upstream (CERN) gateway proxy
| IsBlindTunnel | 4096 |
This is a "blind" CONNECT tunnel for HTTPS traffic
| IsDecryptingTunnel | 8192 |
This is a CONNECT tunnel which decrypts HTTPS traffic as it flows through
| ServedFromCache | 16384 |
This response was served from a client cache, bypassing Fiddler. Fiddler only "sees" this session because other software reported it to Fiddler
| ProtocolViolationInRequest | 32768 |
There was a HTTP Protocol violation in the client's request
| ProtocolViolationInResponse | 65536 |
There was a HTTP Protocol violation in the server's response
| ResponseBodyDropped | 131072 |
Response body was dropped, e.g due to or log-drop-response-body flag
| IsWebSocketTunnel | 262144 |
This is a CONNECT tunnel for WebSocket traffic
| SentToSOCKSGateway | 524288 |
This request was sent using the SOCKS protocol
| RequestBodyDropped | 1048576 |
Request body was dropped, e.g due to log-drop-request-body flag
| IsRPCTunnel | 2097152 |
The request was to create a RPC tunnel (e.g. on an RPC_OUT_DATA request)
See Also